Preston Sturges (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010), 202 pp.Rouben Mamoulian (Milan: Il Castoro Cinema, 1998), 172 pp.
Articles and Essays
"Metamorphosis of the Text in Pasolini's Othello." La lotta con Proteo: metamorfosi del testo e testualità della critica (Firenze: Cadmo, 2000): 150-158.To Be or Not to Be , “The Film Tree” (Turin: Aiace, 1999).
De Curtis plays Pasolini , “Totò after Totò,” ed. Marcella Continanza (Frankfurt/Milan: Zambon/Ikon, 1998), pp. 109-117.
The Style of Stanley Kubrick, “Garage 12: Stanley Kubrick,” (Turin: Paravia, 1998), pp. 22-29.
“Lubitsch at War,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 1 (1997): 145-163.
“Schindler’s List,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 17 (1996): 250-251.
“The Baby of Macon,” Cinemasud, 115 (1995): 49-51.
“Film Blue and the Eisensteinean use of color,” Cinemasud, 114 (1995): 41.
“The Baby of Macon: Mimesis of Theatrical Language,” Cineforum, 348 (1995): 38-42.
“Dial M for Murder,” Cinemasud, 112 (1993): 29-31.
“New Perspectives on the Work of Mario Camerini,” Cinemasud, 110 (1992): 25-26.
Film Reviews
“Two books about Ernst Lubitsch,” L’Indice dei Libri del Mese, 10 (1998): 44.“The eighth day,” Cinemasud, 118 (1997): 34.
“Film Blue,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 17 (1996): 232-233.
“Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 17 (1996): 239-240.
“Snake Eyes,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 17 (1996): 245-246.
“Pulp Fiction,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 17 (1996): 247-248.
“Misterioso omicidio a Manhattan,” Cinemasud, 115 (1995): 42.
“Il XII Festival Cinemagiovani di Torino,” Cinemasud, 115 (1995): 24-25.
“Il sole sorge ancora,” in Cinemasud, 115 (1995): 27.
“Kafka,” Cinemasud, 113 (1994): 29.
“Orlando,” Cinemasud, 111 (1993): 38.
“Beauty and the Beast,” Cinemasud, 111 (1993): 38.
“Il X Festival Cinemagiovani di Torino,” Cinemasud, 112 (1993): 43-44.
“Fratelli e sorelle,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 15 (1993): 397-398.
“Il ladro di bambini,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 15 (1993): 398-399.
“Orlando,” Il Nuovo Spettatore, 15 (1993): 403-404.
XIII Festival Cinemagiovani, ed. A. Pirolini, S. Cortellazzo, (Turin: Lindau, 1995).Cinema and Resistance during the Nazi Occupation, ed. A. Pirolini (Turin: ANCR, 1994).
Metamorphosis: Cinema Between the Charm of Silents and the Temptation of Talkies, 1928-1930, ed. A. Pirolini (Turin: ANCR, 1994).
Online Publications
Ottoemezzo(1998-2008): Foreign Correspondent
Film reviews, festival reports and interviews, including: Interview of Ang Lee, Interview of Bob Coleman, Interview of David Lynch. Cradle Will Rock, Dancer in the Dark, Ghost Dog, Life Is Beautiful, London 2000, London Film Festival, Ride with the Devil, Sleepy Hollow, Cast Away, Traffic, Nanni Moretti in Hollywood!, The Shrek, Gosford Park, Angels in America.
The Italian Film Institute Magazine (2000): Managing Editor